Wonderful Wednesday in Niagara!
Haulin' for Hunger
December 07 2022, Katie Pansolin
Remember, $1 from every Service Wrok Order gets donated to a different charity each month. This month we are teaming up with Giant FM & Country 89, right here in Welland!
Every year, the stations hold "Haulin' for Hunger" and go around to different grocery stores all throughout Niagara and collect food & toy doantions for various charities in Niagara.
You can head over to www.giantfm.com & www.country89.com to find out what stores they'll be at and when they will be there.
If you need an oil change or any service done on your vehicle...it is time to change over to your winer tires...$1 from your Service Work Order will go toward Haulin' for Hunger!
Welland Chev loves helping out the Niagara community!